7 Digital Tools Every Entrepreneur Must Use

Being an entrepreneur isn’t all about sitting on a beach somewhere in paradise tapping away on a Macbook and filling up your Instagram feed. If you want to find online “entrepreneurs” who put their entire bank account onto their bed and  post it to Instagram before putting it straight back, in order to impulse you into […]


9 Ways To Use Social Media To Grow Your Business

I’m sure you are getting tired of hearing it. Everyone is telling you to ‘grow your brand’, get out there on social media and grow an audience, develop relationships with your customers and potential customers… The list goes on. Unfortunately, if you are a new business immersed in the frenzy of just getting your feet on […]


One Skill That Will Transform Your Life

Some people seem to have it and others don’t. It is a skill and a science that can change your life. It requires an awareness about yourself and others. It is an expertise that is essential for engaging and connected communication. Excelling at it will attract people to you. They will want to hang out with […]


7 Digital Marketing Trends That Are Transforming Your Business

The drivers of change are complex and interwoven in the world of digital marketing. The trends are not islands but together amplify and accelerate the way we market and grow our businesses. Mobile phones made social networks even more viral and powerful and their inbuilt cameras just added more content in what was already a […]


Quick practices for when you feel stress coming on.

Asking an entrepreneur if she/he feels stress is like asking a fish to tell you if it ever gets wet — it kind of goes with the territory. However, just because stress is normal doesn’t mean it’s something we want to keep experiencing. Every entrepreneur has her own reaction to, and definition of, stress. For […]


4 Ways to Lead Any Personality Type on Your Team

Playing to your team members’ strengths starts with learning what they are. As a leader, it’s important to know the people you work with. Strong relationships lead to stronger teams, and stronger teams lead to a more productive and more successful company. But getting to know people isn’t just knowing their favorite TV show or the name […]


Travelling In Business: How To Be Successful On The Road.

You’ve been informed that you will be facilitating a ‘road trip’, or meeting with another company within your industry in another city, or even country. Although you’re excited and happy of the opportunity given to you, you’re also scared of what will happen. This is your first time to facilitate your team to a meeting […]


Create A Vision.

Running a business takes more than a day-by-day approach. You need a clear idea of where you want your business to be ten years from now — your own North Star that not only inspires you, it inspires your team as well. Essentially, if you want to get somewhere and you want people to follow […]