Morning routines of highly successful people
Morning routines of highly successful people (and how to create yours).
Take a leaf out of the books of those who know how to make their days productive.
The way you start your day can set you up for success. It can also do the opposite!
No matter what happened the day before, a good morning routine can set a vibe that will boost your mood and productivity for the day ahead.
A big part of a good morning routine is mindset – getting you into the right frame of mind for a positive and successful time. It’s also practical, getting things done and out of the way so you can focus on other things.
A great way to determine an effective morning routine is to look at those of highly successful people.
Many are very adamant about sticking to their good habits.
British business magnate Richard Branson writes on his blog for example that he likes to get up around 5 am and do some exercise first thing.
Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, has also mentioned a very early wake-up time and morning exercise as an important part of his day.
Arianna Huffington, founder of the Huffington Post, ensures she doesn’t pick up her phone immediately upon waking, preferring to spend some time breathing, being grateful, and setting intentions for the day.
Oprah told Harper’s Bazaar that she has a series of spiritual exercises she does every day, including meditation, before her physical workout.
There are many tips and tricks that we can glean from those who clearly get stuff done.
Taken from the routines of these successful business people and others, here are a few practices and habits which might help you get your days off to a great start.
Each person is different – so testing, mixing and matching these things will help you to put together your own personal magic morning routine. And remember, one small tweak to our daily routine can make a big difference, so choose one to start and see how it goes!
1. Get up early
This one’s not for everyone – there are many successful people who are night owls and rise later than 8 am or whenever they wake up naturally.
However, for many others, the morning hours are the best time to get things done. If you find yourself whiling away the evenings and then sleeping in late, consider changing up your schedule and taking advantage of those often-productive early hours.
2. Exercise
There are many benefits to exercise, physical and mental.
Morning exercise can be particularly beneficial: a study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that a morning bout of moderate-intensity exercise improved cognition and memory during the day for older adults.
It has also been shown that exercising before breakfast can increase fat burn, and that morning exercise reduces the risk of post exercise hypoglycemia in diabetics and also improves sleep quality.
Getting your sweat on before starting work, school, or your other daily tasks is also great for your mindset – it’s nice to know you have done something positive and healthy before the day has even begun!
3. Meditate
If it’s good for Oprah, it may be good for you, too.
Meditation looks different for different people but essentially it is a form of mental exercise which involves relaxation, focus, and awareness.
You might just like to spend ten minutes clearing your mind and breathing deeply or follow along with one of the many meditation apps out there.
Meditation not for you? Try breath training instead. Click here to learn how to relax your brain with deep breathing.
4. Make a plan
Spend some time in the morning thinking about what you need to get done that day.
Prioritise your tasks, whether they be work-related or personal, and plan to get the most important things done first.
Benjamin Franklin’s schedule included a note to “contrive the day’s business and take the resolution of the day” in the early hours, and it’s a good way to kickstart productivity – go into things with a plan of attack!
5. Make a healthy breakfast
As with exercise, healthy food first thing in the morning is a great way to get you into a positive mindset – and of course, it’s beneficial to your body.
Some people don’t like to eat in the early hours, and that’s fine. But if you do eat breakfast, put in the effort to make it nutritious.
Blend up a smoothie with lots of spinach, get in some protein with eggs on wholegrain toast, or make a hearty porridge sweetened with fruit.
Starting on the right food food-wise is the way to go, and the earlier you rise the more time you will have to put together a decent meal.
Mostly, a morning routine is about self-care; it’s doing things that are good for you both physically and mentally to get your day off to a good start. We learn what is good for us by testing things out, so start by picking something you think might work for you. Over time you’ll figure out the best way to start your day!